Galactic Empires
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Far Side Travelogue The People of the Far Side

A Far Side Travelogue

Argonian First Republic Clydon Empires Corporate Aggressors Free Trade Zone Krebiz Capitalist Alliance
Mechad Holdfast Plasma Occupied Territories Scorpead Dominion Tufor Protectorate Independant, Unclaimed
or Disputed Territories

Independant, Unclaimed or Disputed Territories



Rom's Comet

When the comet passes close to Bosheegh it sheds very rare demerite particles which are then collected.


Golf World

Gorgochok System

The Communist government of Gorgochok keeps its people in conditions of poverty little-removed from abject slavery. Using the populace as laborers in the vast munitions factories has made this the largest single manufacturing site of munitions o the Far Side.


Hcsuar-Drahcir System

Also called HDS, this system consists of a solitary gas giant, Drahcir, orbitting a white dwarf, Hcsaur.

Lobster Nebula


Nagir XII

Site of a Nagaridni pirate base.


Obelisk System

The only useful planet in this lesser system is shaped like an obelisk. It is believed to be a remnant of a long-dead civilization. The system has no native life forms and is mined my robotic equipment.

Omega Centauri Star Cluster

Orion Nebula

Podekkur Prime

The inhabitants of Podekkur have remained unknown for eons. Their government is rabidly xenophobic, preventing all direct contact with off-worlders. Transporter blocking screens prevent unauthorized landings and all unauthorized shuttles are unceremoniously destroyed.

Sensor Planet

The Sensor Planet became known as such due to the ruins of a technologically advanced scientific research station constructed there.


Vektrean Mercenaries

Vektrea Prime

The homeworld of the Vektrean Merceneries, a race of militaristic humanoids, is the only habitable planet in their system. From birth all Vektreans are indoctrinated in their race's military traditions.
Vektrea Minor The legendary pirate captain Gohest is said to slain his arch-rival Vekjar on this planet.


The rings of Vorn are a rich soure diliminum.

Argonian First Republic

Homecloud Nebula

The Homecloud is the heart of the Argonian Republic. Within the nebula are the several star systems occupied by the Argonians.

Argo System

This system is on the edge of the Republic. The path of the star occassionaly moves it out of the nebula changing the basic environment. It is this phenomenon which many scientists believe led to the Argonian ability to change from gaseous to semi-solid state.

Argon VIII

This planet was destroyed during one of the various battles of the Far Side. The incident is the basis of the O10 Planetary Destruction card's artwork.

Rabuff Locttoor System

This system contains three principles and is the location of a primary Argonian energy-production facility.

Clydon Empire

Candor II

This is the second of two planets orbitting the white dwarf Candor within a Nebula also named Candor. The planet's economy is agrarian.


This planet, near the heart of the Clydon empire is inhabited by beings with a four-year life span whose entire purpose to raise and care for Blood Clydon warrior brood children.

Free Trade Zone (Corporate Aggressors)

The Free Trade Zone is home to most of the human populations of the Far Side. It is dominated by the might of the Corporate Aggressors. Their navy provides support for key systems within the Zone and also provides 'incentives' for uncooperative governments to see things the Corporate way.

Bolaar System

Bolaar II

Bolaar IV

This, the only habitable planet in the system, has a rich history of occupation by many empires throughout recorded history. In the period during which the Free Trade Zone was formed Bolaar VI was finally able to assert its independance against all occupying forces. The planetary government maintains its claim of ignorance regarding the operation of clan pirates.

Biruk's Comet

This comet orbits the Bolaar sun once every 17 years.

Corporate System

Aldibrik Munitions Plant

Located on a moon in the Corporate System the Munitions Plant manufactures a large percentage of the Free Trade Zone munitions.

Corporate Homeworld

The Corporate Homeworld is the most economically developed planet on the Far Side. Every inch of this rather flat planet is commercially developed.

Indig's Comet

This comet orbits the Corporate system's sun once every 81 years.

Benakis Asteroid Belt

This thick band of asteroids are the only objects populating the red dwarf Bena system. The belt is mostly worthless rock and ice. It's location within the Free Trade Zone has made it occasionally useful for traders, pirate and occupation by various empires useful.

Cramannarak System

This is system is the near the border of the Zone and the Krebiz Capitalist Alliance. There are three habitable plants and a number of occupied moons. It is a frequent port of call for merchants, free traders and freighter convoys. This system is home to the Sochess Comet.

Krebiz Capitalist Alliance


This planet is typical of those coveted by the Krebiz. Its surface is 90% water. There are no major continents and only occasional reefs and narrow islands.

Mechad Holdfast

Mechad Planet Arretia

Mechad System

Plasma Occupied Territories

The Plasma Occupied Territories are divided between several smaller empires, all of which are apparently human-occupied. The various elements engage of the P.O.T. engage in minor internal skirmishes which are only prevented from becoming full-scale warfare by the presence of external threats. The various elements include the Centaurian, Peladine and Tequan.

Plasmatic Nebula

The nebula contains many planetismals from which P.O.T. plasma stream ammunition is manufactured.

Scorpead Dominion

Scorpead Comet of Lore

Scandig System

Near the border between the Dominion and the Argonian First Republic. This system is a major commerce center of the Far Side. There are several huge gas giants as well as moons and planets which have been terraformed and inhabited by both silicon and carbon-based lifeforms.

Tufor Protectorate

Femerazi System

Pentier System

The Pentier System is located just outside the borders of the Tuforous Dead Zone. The government of the system has had dealings with all empires except the Mechad Holdfast.

Tufor System

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